Friday, March 2, 2012

What do you want your blog to be when it grows up?

Sounds like a pretty simple question to answer doesn't it? Until I actually sit down to think it over. Hmmm...

When I first started this blog I just did it for myself as a way to document all of the projects I do and how our home changes over the years. I didn't really think anyone would read it or even be inspired by it. Things have changed over the past two months and I should set some goals for myself and this tiny blog of mine.

  1. I always want blogging to be fun! I don't want to feel like I have to write a post every single day. I just want this to be a stress free outlet for my creative side! I want to be myself and keep having fun!
  2. Oh my gosh, I have so much to learn about blogging. I am so not a computer person. Sometimes I'm actually surprised I made it this far. All those codes look like gibberish to me. So another goal I have is to learn more about the technological side of blogging (yes, I already read Blogging For Dummies).
  3. I want to be pretty! This might sound a bit vain but I want to pretty up my blog. Right now it's just okay but I want it to really shine!
  4. I'm not going to lie, I would love to have a couple sponsors for this blog. I don't expect to get rich off blogging or to even make a living off of it, but some spare change to cover the cost of some small projects wouldn't hurt!
  5. Keep being creative! I want to keep doing projects inexpensively. I enjoy the challenge of spending little to zero dinero. I want to share with others that you don't have to spend a ton of money to make your home look nice and feel like YOU.

I'm glad you could come check out what my goals are for this little blog of mine. I'm sure as soon as I finish this I'll think of more things I wanted to add (always how it works with me).

Enjoy your weekend!



  1. There really is a Blogging for Dummies? Why am I surprised?
    I think you are well on your way to pretty. I love the floral background.

    1. I think they make a Dummies book for everything! Thanks for thinking I'm pretty!!!

  2. I have a blog review hop going on at my blog, if you'd like to join! You go and review 2 blogs anonymously and then 2 bloggers anonymously review your blog. It will give you some ideas as far as your blog layout and functionality, etc. Come on over!

  3. I also like to make projects from things we already have at home, it makes my clutter feel useful. I also like that it teaches my boys to work with what you got. If you think of more you can always make a sequel, I thought of about ten more things I wanted to say , so we could have a goals part 2 !

  4. Lovely goals! Having some fun with a little extra pocket change if reasonable. And who doesn't want to be a bit prettier, right? Though I think you're pretty just the way you are!

    So happy you shared your dreams and goals and link them up with us!



    1. Thanks for hosting Linda! I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of party you gals come up with next!

  5. You're so pretty, oh so pretty ...

    I'm with you on the stress free issue - after all, if it's not fun, it's work!

    Love that you share zero dinero ideas - something anyone can appreciate.

    So glad you joined our party. Of course, I'm a new Linky follower.

  6. I am your newest bloggy fan. I have already learned something new from you there is such a thing as "blogging for dummies" now to make it over to B&N lol

    1. Thanks for becoming my newest fan! Hugs!

  7. Thank you so much for joining the party! Your writing style is so fresh and authentic. And you have a really great sense of humor! I feel like you are on an incredible blogging journey!

    Thanks for the inspiration.


    1. You are too sweet Karianne! Coming from you is a huge compliment!

  8. Love #2, you are totally ahead of me since you read that book! Was it any good?

  9. i love this! i wish i had known about blogging for dummies when i started! i am still really bad with computers, but i have forced myself to learn some!

  10. I absolutely love your goals! So sorry it has taken me so long to come by. I can relate to each of your goals, it needs to stay fun and hopefully will start making of both worlds. :)

    I look forward to watching it all happen.
    Karah @ thespacebetweenblog

  11. Your goals are wonderful and soooo achievable! Yes, keep the FUN in the blogging -- isn't that why we do it anyway? I, too, would love to learn more about the techno stuff (even my teenagers think I should! they're tired of being "tech support!")... think there's an SEO for Dummies out there?
    Good luck, my dear!!
