Thursday, March 8, 2012

Don't judge me!

Seriously, don't judge me! Just because I see all those amazing projects out there and think to myself " I have to try that". Just because I might get a little ahead of myself and start another project before completing the one I was already working one. Just because my home is beginning to look like a hot mess! 

I blame Pinterest really! Plus all you way too talented bloggers!
I am going to use that bead board to make some picture frames. Remember that leftover pallet, yes I want to do something with that still.  I am going to make some more artwork with all that pre-cut wood in my garage. I am going to make some canvas art. I am going to SOMEDAY catch up on my scrapbooking.
One of these days.



  1. Ha ha! I know this feeling and I have a storage area for all the things I am going to do at some point as well!

  2. Right there with you! My garage and mudroom is where all of my half-finished projects go to... sit. No judgement here! :)

  3. See, I knew I wasn't the only one out there! Thanks ladies for making me feel a little more NORMAL!

  4. LOL! I love this - especially what you say about starting a new project before finishing the one you're working on. I'm the same way, and yes, Pinterest can be a dangerous place. :)
