Monday, September 24, 2012

A girls best friend

Today I would like to introduce you to someone very special in my life.
{You may have already guessed by my oh so clever title.}

My dog, Shadow.

He is cute beyond words and has tons of energy. He likes taking rides in the mini van with me and going for walks around the neighborhood. He is extremely patient and lets my daughter dress him up in her old dance costumes and push him around in her doll stroller.

So in honor of my bestest buddy Shadow also known as my 4th child I am going to share some of my favorite doggy related items!

I totally want to order true!

A chevron patterned dog bed.

What dog wouldn't love their very own personalized dog dish?

How about a doggy castle

or a dog cabin

This is a great idea...a built in dog house under the stairs.

Built in dog den

pull out drawer for dog food

pet shower in the garage or mudroom would be convenient.

So many great ideas out there when it comes to our pets. They are like a part of our family so it's no surprise that there are tons of products and ideas out there.

Thanks for stopping by today!



  1. Such cute stuff for our furry friends! I love the dog house built under the stairs. Our dog is such a huge part of our family too. I love to spoil him rotten! Thanks for sharing the great products and ideas.

    Lori : )
    Thrifty Decor Mom

  2. I saw that same doghouse in the wall and thought that was so dang cute! Love that dog tag, yes pets are an important part of our lives. So glad I stopped by to see all your picks!
