Friday, July 13, 2012

chain reaction

Earlier this week I told you about my little game of musical furniture. Hey, I've read all your lovely comments and I know I am not alone in my addiction to moving things around!

So now my living room has become a dumping ground for unwanted or lost items. Of course that caused me to try to rearrange my living room which lead me to two days of painting the living room trim white.This in turn lead me into my dining room. My dining room has never been what I consider a finished room. We just moved in and slapped some items on the walls, I never really LOVED it.
So the other day I took everything down off the walls and this morning I patched all the holes. I am now trying to decide if I want to repaint the entire room or just touch up and leave it the same color.

Who knew adding one piece of furniture to my family room would have such a chain reaction!

Hopefully over the weekend I can form some kind of game plan.

Have a fantastic weekend!



  1. It all sounds very "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie". The trim looks great. That's on my to-do list as well. :)

  2. Funny, I didn't think about that but you are so right! My daughter used to love that book!
