Monday, December 2, 2013

staircase GALLERY WALL

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! We hosted again this year and I was wiped out afterwards. Glad to be back blogging again!

I've wanted to do a gallery wall on our main staircase for awhile now. I finally saved up enough dough to purchase new frames and since we recently did a fall photo shoot I had plenty of family photos to display. 

I started off by shopping sales and using store coupons to purchase new frames {all from Michael's and Hobby Lobby}. It took me a couple of weeks to track down everything I needed.

I arranged all of the frames on my floor {sorry for the blurry pic}. Then I traced each frame onto paper.

I hung up each paper with painters tape. Then I rearranged them until I was happy. I did a lot of rearranging so I'm glad I didn't just "go for it" like I normally do and end up with walls that look like swiss cheese.

This wall is one of the first things you see when you enter our home. It was hard to get good photographs of the entire wall.

The view from the top of our stairs.

So thrilled with our new gallery wall! I love seeing all of those sweet faces every time I go up and down the stairs.

Thanks for stopping by today!


linking up this week to...


  1. That looks great Amy! I love the pops of aqua with the black & white frames. You did a great job!

    Thrifty Decor Mom

  2. Looks beautiful! Love the color. I'd love if you'd link up to The DIYers.

  3. Great idea of tracing the picture frames before hanging them. I just bought some frames for a gallery and was planning on just hanging them. I'm glad I saw your post before ruining my walls!
    Visiting from Show me what you got link party

    1. I'm a little impatient so normally I would just start hammering away too. This time I decided to practice some patience and it worked out well, no holes underneath the frames! Thanks for coming by!

  4. This is so pretty!!!! Great use of the space and love the color combo! Just fresh!!!

  5. OK i'm inspired i need to do this stat to my staircase! thanks for the inspiration :)

  6. Love this! I also appreciate the instructions. Will be pinning this!

  7. So pretty! Love it! Pinning! @excuseourmess

  8. Great idea to copy the frames on paper first. I have lots of hidden holes behind my frames! Would love for you to come over and share at my link party

  9. Your gallery wall turned out fantastic! I have been wanting to do one too. I just can't decide which wall or pictures to use. This is inspiring. Thank you for sharing it at What We Accomplished Wednesdays.

  10. I have a blank staircase wall just begging for something like this! Great way to organize your photos. Thanks for sharing at Take it On Tuesday!
