Monday, August 26, 2013

Office clutter and a new gallery wall

Last Wednesday my kids all returned to school! My son started his freshman year in high school which had me a little nervous {my little man in that big school with all those big kids}. I have one daughter in middle school {7th grade} and my baby is in her last year of elementary school {5th grade}. Of course I was waiting at the door when each one arrived home to grill them about their day! As usual everything went one got lost finding their classrooms, all lockers were opened with ease. So now that we are in week two I can relax a bit knowing they are fine. I guess it just goes to show that no matter how old they get us parents will never stop worrying about them. EVER!
What I really wanted to share with you today is the hot cluttered mess my office was last week! Over the summer I kind of let things slide and the clutter started to take over {which drives me crazy}.
You all remember what my office/craft space looked like when I first showed it to you awhile back.

It was so clean and organized, I was in love!
Then summer break happened and I got busy hanging out with my kids and my office became a little neglected.
It was driving me insane!
So once the kids were back in school the first thing I did was clean out my entire desk area.
I am an organized person by nature all of my crafting supplies and paperwork have a designated area. The problem was that things laid around on my desk for a couple weeks before I had the time {or energy} to put them away. My solution was to come up with an "in transition" space.
Now all that "stuff" has a place to go until I can put it away for good. For example papers that need to be filed in the filing cabinet have a home until I file them. When I print coupons they have a home until I can cut them and get them in my coupon binder. I even made a spot for my husband and all the odd's and end's he leaves around!
Luckily I already had the paper trays {previously used to store my scrapbooking paper in} and I just used glue dots to attach the labels to the fronts.
I also used some small bowls to contain paper clips and push pins that were constantly getting lost.
And since I was on my cleaning kick I decided to hang a little gallery wall over my expedit with frames and items I already had around the house.
Even though my office wasn't overly messy it was bothering me {a lot}! It feels so good now to be organized again and ready for another school year!
Thanks for hanging out with me today for awhile!
Hope you'll come back again!
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  1. You are so organized! I love the idea of a transition space for all the stuff that tends to pile up. Your new gallery wall looks great too!

    Thrifty Decor Mom

    1. Thanks Lori! I feel so much better now that I have a clean working area!

  2. Beautiful and so peaceful! My daughter came in yesterday to decorate her binders and left my office in a mess, guess that made it to the top of the to do list today!

    1. I know how that! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. Your office is beautiful! And I love the transition trays, great idea.
    Stopping by from Show me what ya got link party.

  4. I love it! Come organize mine please?! (:

  5. even a simple tidying up is always so refreshing! looks great

  6. Your office looks great! I'm hosting a Wall Decal giveaway that you should enter!

  7. Lol Amy...I wish my office were as messy as yours! Hahaha! Your office space is beautiful. My kids don't return to school until next Tuesday, then I am reorganizing my office/scrapbook area too. Why is it that it is so much more difficult to keep these areas organized when the kids are home? Anyway, thanks for the inspiration. Glad I found you on Terrific Tuesday!

    1. Thanks Jenifer! I don't know but by the end of every summer I feel like my house is getting a little out of control! I do miss having my kids around though!
      Thanks for coming by!

  8. This is really cute! I just love tan and black together. This looks so amazing.

  9. This is amazing. So simple and tidy! I love your mini gallery wall.

  10. Love your office. So neat, organize and clean looking.
    Thanks for sharing.


  11. Oh my, your office is such a pretty, calm, well organized space. I love it! And would love to work in there... I am working on setting up a craft room/office right now and lets say we are kinda in the semi-chaos stage right now:) Yours is so appealing! I would be super thrilled if you have the chance to share this at our new mega-party Work it Wednesday if you haven't already. Each link will be shown on 4 blogs! Work it Wednesday

    - Krista @ the happy housie

    1. Thanks so much Krista! I will definitely be over to link up. I love your blog!

  12. WOW! Your space is super neat and organized. Nice Work. ;o)

  13. I absolutely love your office space!! Come Link Up with us tomorrow at Craft Frenzy Friday at!

  14. You're so organised! What a lovely space to work in, it's lovely when you know where everything is.

  15. Love your office! So organized.

  16. Thanks so much for linking up to Your Whims Wednesday, I featured this on my blog tonight! Come stop by and grab a featured button!
