Friday, May 31, 2013

Pinterest challenge s'more kit teacher gift

Sorry if it seems I haven't been around in awhile. I've been busy trying to keep up with house work and little things around our home {pulling weeds, working in the yard etc. etc.}. The last two weeks have been a little crazy with baby showers, soccer tournaments, art shows, Memorial day picnics and just LIFE!

Today is the last day of school for my kids! Being a stay at home mom during the summer is always much more fun {I miss having my kids with me all day}. I'm excited to start planning some fun summer activities. 

However, before I get ahead of myself let's talk about the last day of school and teacher gifts! I found tons of great ideas on Pinterest, but finally decided to go with s'more kits that I found at our fifth house

Here is how mine turned out!

I found my cute plastic containers at the dollar store! 
I changed mine by adding a ribbon and paper tag instead of a picture frame.

 My youngest this morning before heading off to her last day of 4th grade {they grow up too fast, sigh}.

We have one more crazy weekend before we can totally start relaxing {dress rehearsal and two dance recitals}. Of course relaxing to me is rummaging through thrift stores for treasures and moving furniture around the house! Don't worry I will be around this summer and I'm sure I'll have a project or two or three to share with you!

Enjoy your weekend!


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1 comment:

  1. Cute gift idea!! I love the basket you put it in which makes it easy to pack up or take outside for a yummy snack. Great idea!!
