Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pinterest challenge pumpkin birdfeeder

This afternoon my daughter and I attempted another Pinterest challenge!

I came across this idea a few days ago and thought it would be the perfect thing to do with some of our leftover pumpkins. Plus this was something fun that my daughter could help me with.

We started by cutting a cleaned out pumpkin in half. Then filled it with bird seed and used some jute rope to string it to the tree {we were quite the scene trying to attach that rope to our tiny tree}!

My helper {she thought she looked like a lion}.

The first time we used a large pumpkin without thinking that it had to hang in our wee little tree. Luckily we also had a small pumpkin that was the perfect size!

It was a quick and simple project to do with my daughter, can't beat that!


Linking up this week to...


  1. What a cute idea! I love it!

    Have a great weekend.

    Lori : )
    Thrifty Decor Mom

  2. Great idea! I have a pumpkin already cleaned out that I put outside for the squirrels, but I will go do this!
    I'd love to have you join my PIN MEme Linky Party that starts Friday at 8am because this is very Pin Worthy! I'm going to pin it now! I am following you via GFC, FB & Pin now.

    Diana Rambles
    Bento Blog Network
    Link Rink

    1. Thanks so much Diana I will head over to your party right away!

    2. Thanks for joining in! Can't wait to make our feeder!!

  3. Love this idea! This will look so natural on our cabin porch for the month of November. Thanks for sharing this one!

  4. Great idea! and we have so many wild birds in our yard .. this is a cute idea to feed them :-) Over from Diana's PIN MEme - pinning this!

  5. what a great idea, and the perfect thing for leftover pumpkins!

  6. I haven't seen that one before what a cool idea!! Maybe have to dig the pumpkins out of the yard waste to try it :). Stopping by from Pin MEme :)I'm your newest follower.

    1. thanks Alexis! Always great to meet a new follower! Have a wonderful week.

  7. Saw this on Serenity Now! How adorable! I love it and have lots of helpers who would love to lend a hand with this project. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Really cool idea Amy! I bet the birds loved it!
    Thanks for linking up this week -
    hope to see you this week!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  9. Looks like so much fun as well as being quick and easy. I bet the birds are loving it! Unfortunately here it is still too warm for cut pumpkins. My son's jack o'lantern rotted in 2 days and was thrown away before halloween. We do have some small ones though that haven't been cut into that I'll hold onto for cooler weather (hopefully soon! 91 degrees yesterday) and then we will give this a try.

    1. Yes here in Ohio it is cold enough to keep the pumpkins. Almost a week later and it is still holding up! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  10. Congratulations! This is the food featured for Pin Me at Diana Rambles this week. I pinned you again and tweeted your win!
    Please stop by and grab a featured button from my sidebar.

  11. What a fun idea! I bet the birds and squirrels are thrilled!
