Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sunshine Award

I was extremely honored last week when I was awarded the sunshine award by fellow blogger Erin from Chronic Christian Crafter. She is lovely young lady who inspires many of us daily. If you have time please visit and leave her some comment love!

This award is given to bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others.

Here are the rules;
  1. If you are nominated you must blog a post linking back to the person/blog who nominated you.
  2. you must answer some questions, nominate ten fellow bloggers and link their blogs to the post. If you do this you get the award and can use the image above on your post or blog itself.
  3. You should comment on your nominees' blogs to let them know you nominated them.

Here are my questions;

Who is your favorite philosopher?

Wow, what can I say to that one? I actually did take a semester of philosophy in college, but that was ages years ago. Don't think I ever had one.

What is your favorite number?

That one is easy! My favorite number is five because we have five members in our family. Or the number four because that has been my daughter's soccer number for six years. Or three because I have three beautiful children. Or fifteen because my husband and I will be celebrating our fifteenth wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks. Okay, I guess that one wasn't so easy after all!

What is your favorite animal?

I promise this one is easy, my four legged child Shadow.

What are your Facebook and twitter urls?

I have a facebook link on top right corner. Twitter really? I barely have time to keep up with this bad boy!

What is your favorite time of the day?

It depends, right now I love afternoons and getting to have lunch with my kids everyday. During the school year I always look forward to quiet evenings at home after all the running and activities are over.

What was your favorite vacation?

I love any chance my family has to go on vacation. One of my favorites was a couple of years ago my entire family and my husbands family all went to Fort Myers Beach, Florida together. 

What is your favorite physical activity?

Does painting count as a physical activity? If not it should!
How about shopping?

What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?

Two words...DIET COKE

What is your favorite flower?

I love the day lilies that I grow in my garden.

What is your passion?

Leading a christian way of life and being a role model for my children. Being a loving and supportive mother and wife.

I am also passionate about sharing with others that you can decorate your home and make it YOU without spending a fortune!

My ten blogger nominees {in no particular order};

Missy @ Starr Circus
Jessica @ home with baxter
Heather @ stringtown home

I hope you will stop by these ladies blogs and check out what they are all about. I promise you won't be disappointed.

Thanks for taking time to read a little about myself!

Please come back again! If you aren't already following me I would be thrilled if you decided to become a follower!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!



  1. Amy, thanks soooo much for the nomination! Im on vacation for another week, but definitely plan on playing along once I'm back to blogging post-vacay. Love your blog and your answers cracked me up! :)

    1. Thanks Missy! Can't wait to see your answers!

  2. Congrats again on the award, Amy :) Loved your answers and learning more about you!

