Monday, July 22, 2013

pinterest challenge homemade lava lamp

I'm back with another fun pinterest challenge!

Last week my ten year old daughter told me she wanted to make a lava lamp so I headed to one way place I knew I could find some help...PINTEREST.

We found several posts all with the same instructions.

Materials needed:
plastic bottle or glass jar
food coloring
alka-seltzer tablets

My ten year old did this all by herself, I just supervised and of course took pictures of the process!

My daughter went a little overboard with the food coloring. She added some of every color so she ended up with black bubbles.

Just a note about the alka-seltzer tablets. You are supposed to break them up into pieces and add one at a time. We ended up adding a whole one towards the end and WOW that was exciting!

This was a fun experiment even my teenager thought it was cool!


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1 comment:

  1. How fun that she got to make it herself!! Easy peasy!!
