Thursday, July 18, 2013

Chevron wall

I mentioned on Monday that I have been working on my daughter's bedroom. I'm not quite 100% done with the room, but I wanted to share my favorite part. The chevron wall!

I've been wanting to do one somewhere in our home, and with a little persuasion {okay a lot} she finally agreed to let me do it in her room.

There are a million and one tutorials out there, but I followed the one by Sarah from the yellow cape cod. Her tutorial was easy to follow even for someone like me who is math challenged!

I began by painting the entire room what would be the base color {lighter color} of the pattern. My husband helped me measure and mark all of the lines. It's hard to tell in the photo but I marked everything lightly in pencil.

I taped off the lines and then got to painting.

The completed wall.

This was so much easier then I had imagined! It does help to have an extra pair of hands for the measuring and marking.

I can't wait to show you the room once it's completed!


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  1. Very nice job. I can't wait to see the completed room. ��

  2. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    I love your chevron wall!
    I totally want to do this on the wall behind my son's desk!
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Great job, by the way ;0)!!

  3. you made this look so easy! Thanks for sharing

  4. I love the wall!! You did a great job!! I'm glad you convinced your daughter. Can't wait to see the whole room!!

  5. Looks great! I love the colors!

  6. Your new chevron wall looks great! I love how it looks -- I'd love to create a chevron wall in my home.
