Monday, April 8, 2013

New roof

Last week was our spring break and we were blessed with some nice weather {finally}! We also had a new roof put on our house last week. Four days of loud banging and glad it is done.

Our old roof wasn't terrible, but we had a lot of damaged shingles due to the strong winds we had last summer. We were also excited to get a different color and style of shingles.

The house looks so much different now!

Looking forward to some warm weather this week and getting outside to work on some landscaping and garden clean up.



  1. The new roof looks great! Amazing how a different color of shingles can change the look of your house. We had a new roof put on about 3 years ago and it looks so much better. I remember all the hammering and the mess everywhere but it was so worth it.

    Hope you're enjoying our gorgeous weather! : )


  2. What a transformation! Great move for you to replace the roof immediately because sometimes small damage can escalate to a bigger problem. Anyway, let's cross our fingers for good weather, and for you to finish everything according to your plan. ;-)

    Penelope Dingee

  3. Changing the color of your roof shingles made such a difference on how your house looks! However, I think it looks better because the dark shingles contrast with the brick and white panels.

    Eulalia Symonds

  4. What a transformation! You chose well for the color because I’m pretty sure that it won’t fade easily. Plus, it's more appealing than the old one.
    - Soo Eaton

  5. Wow the new roof looks absolutely amazing! My husband and I have recently renovated our house too and have left the roofing project till last. The roof takes so much attention to detail that it is a daunting task for the both of us. Thank you for sharing this it looks absolutely amazing. Thank you again you have inspired us.

    Pleasance Faast @ Shelton Roof
