Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring mantel and painted birdcage

Sorry I haven't been around this week I've been battling a nasty cold. I have tons of projects and ideas floating around in my head, but my body just doesn't want to get with the program. 

Over the past week I've been tweaking my fireplace mantel to feel more like spring. You know the around the house from room to room grabbing items then running back to the fireplace to see how they look and then eventually putting most of those items back where you originally found them! I know I'm not alone here! It's a game I play a lot!

After a couple of days this is what I came up with.

I wanted to keep it simple with just a few touches of blue and yellow. That mirror over our fireplace is actually our television so I couldn't put anything on it {like a cute little moss wreath}. Plus I didn't want to spend any money!

The birdcage I've had for years, and last week it looked like this.

After several coats of spray paint it looks totally different! I was considering selling this at an upcoming garage sale, but now I am in LOVE with it again!

Today I plan on staying indoors {out of that surprise snow that came overnight} and trying to rest. I might even pop in my Breaking Dawn dvd and curl up on the couch. Take care and stay warm!


Linking up this week to...


  1. The yellow just says "spring", right? Super cute!

  2. Sorry to hear that you've been sick. You created a beautiful spring mantel. I love the birdcage painted white with a touch of aqua. Now we just need the cold and snow to leave and spring to arrive.


  3. Looks great! I really like it painted white as well, BUT I am more interested in your mirror/television? It intrigues me

  4. It turned out beautiful! Awesome job!! Enjoy resting!!

  5. Love it ! Good job :)

    a little visitor from France ;)

  6. Beautiful! I’m hosting a new linky party at

    I would love to have you!
