Monday, November 18, 2013

DIY towel bathroom

When we first moved to our home 2.5 years ago I painted and decorated the "kids bathroom" with things we already had {you can see it here}. I really had no decorating budget since all of our savings went into our down payment. It's been fine, but about a month ago one of my angels somehow broke the towel holder that I had made for them. Since then their towels have been piling up everywhere and driving me crazy!

I decided their bathroom needed more color as well so I ran to Target and picked up a colorful new shower curtain! Then I got to work on a new towel holder.

I want to add that I got this idea from my super creative mom!
I started off with a wood table leaf {from my mom's garage}.
I measured the wood and then divided it into five sections marking it lightly with pencil. I cut out vinyl numbers with my Cricut {you could always use stickers} and then applied them onto the wood.
I grabbed some paint and found some colors that worked with the new shower curtain. I used foam brushes to paint each section making sure not to blend the colors and to keep the edges a little rough {not too perfect}.
Once the paint dried I gently peeled off the vinyl.
My husband helped me attach the hooks and then hang up the new towel holder.
I only have three kids but this gives them extra space for wet swim suits in the summer!

I only spent $10.00 on this project since the only thing I had to purchase were the hooks!
Of course now I have to buy some cute new towels and maybe some new artwork. Plus I'm not loving that khaki wall color anymore. I'm sure this isn't the last post you will see about my kids bathroom.
I've got a lot of other things going on with a couple rooms in our home right now so I'm not sure when I'll get around to working more on the kids bathroom, but atleast for now there won't be any wet towels on the floor!
Thanks for stopping by!
Linking up this week to...


  1. That is soo adorable!!! Thanks for linking up to Take it on Tuesday!
    ~Betsy @ Romance on a dime

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