Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Summer project round-up

It's hard to believe that summer is over and fall is here already. I thought I would take some time today to play catch up on some of the projects our family has worked on in the past few months.
All of these projects are outdoor/exterior projects.
First off is something I had wanted to do FOREVER which is paint our big backyard shed. The previous owners had stained it red.
It's hard to tell in the photos, but this shed is more like a small barn. It's huge and tall. Painting it was an all day job even with my crew of helpers.

Not a completely finished project, but such an improvement already.
The second project I'm sharing was actually the first thing we've ever paid to have done professionally (cause we're cheap and like doing things ourselves).
My husband and I tossed the idea around of doing this ourselves to save money, but sometimes you have to know your limits.
Project #2 is a driveway expansion.
Over the summer we added yet another driver to our family. We now have two teen drivers (scary I know). We have a three car garage, but needed more parking space so we decided to make use of our unused side yard.



I know its not the most exciting makeover, but this has been such a life saver for our family.
Since this post is getting long I'm going to finish up tomorrow with our last outdoor summer project.
Hope you enjoyed seeing what I've been up to lately.

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