Last weekend I attended a baby shower for my cousins wife who is due with their first baby this spring. I was excited to make them a special gift and something that I've been wanting to try for awhile. I've seen numerous wood growth charts and rulers on Pinterest and couldn't wait to try my own.

I ended up making two because I have two cousins expecting babies!
I set up my staining station in our garage {very glamorous}.
I stained one dark brown and the other weathered gray.
To make the chevron design I measured and cut out the shape on paper. Then I traced my cut out onto the wood.
Once I had the lines traced I taped them off with painter's tape.
I used white craft paint and a sponge brush for the chevron design. I gave the paint a few minutes to dry and removed the tape.
Then I used a tape measure to make all my measurement markings. Notice my little helper!
I used a ruler to make the lines straight and then went over them with a black sharpie marker.
I printed out my numbers onto copy paper and taped them onto the board. I used carbon paper to trace the numbers and then painted them in by hand with black paint.
Mom to be loved the growth chart and now I can't wait to make one for our home!
I also offer these in my Etsy shop if interested!
Linking up to...mondayfunday, elizabeth&co, thewintrhopchronicles, themakers,